Run-down asphalt surfaces and potholes?
Run-down asphalt surfaces and potholes can quickly tarnish the appearance of your residential or commercial property. Over time, neglected areas may continue deteriorating, leaving you with further damage down the line. Using state-of-the-art equipment and repair material, Copper State’s professional asphalt patching and pothole repair specialists can effectively turn your asphalt driveway or parking lot around and extend the life of your pavement.
Your Trusted Commercial Asphalt Repair Company in Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ Residential Patching Contractor Services
Don’t let an asphalt crack or pothole turn into an expensive driveway repair. Our residential patching services can keep your blacktop or asphalt pavement in tip-top shape while enhancing both its appearance and safety.
With an assortment of patching materials on hand, we can treat everything from minor driveway dents to deeply embedded potholes.
Common Asphalt Patching Techniques
When done properly, asphalt patches help prevent pavement deterioration and can save you from needing a costly repair. Our contractors use various patch materials, ranging from emulsion mixtures, cold mixes, and hot mix asphalt blends. Depending on the extent of your pavement damage, we’ll recommend using one or more of the following asphalt patching services:
Throw and Roll Repair
This temporary solution pours liquid asphalt into potholes and seals and rolls over them once filled.
Semi-Permanent Patch Repair
This long-lasting technique removes water and debris and cuts along the potholes’ sides before filling in with a patching mix. Once filled, the patch is compacted using a roller or vibratory plate.
Spray Injections
A non-compaction method that uses high-pressured equipment to blow out pothole debris and water before injecting emulsion and aggregate.
Full-depth Patching
This permanent repair technique involves excavating at least four inches deep and at least one foot around the repair area. A tack coat is applied before pouring the asphalt mixture, followed by a backfill to bond the materials to the surface.
In need of an asphalt paving company to repair your Phoenix, AZ parking lot or driveway?
Ensure your pavement needs are correctly addressed by working with a contractor you can count on. Contact the patching experts at Copper State Pavement for a quote on your next project!
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Quality Asphalt Patching
& Repair in Phoenix, AZ Copper State Pavement
Do you need to patch up a pothole in your Phoenix, AZ home driveway or commercial parking lot? The professionals at Copper State Pavement can help get your pavement looking brand new again! Locate an asphalt patch repair contractor near you to get started!